Amintiri din Copilărie 1964

about 69 minutes

This film is based on the childhood memoirs of writer Ion Creangă. Ion Creangă, called Nică in his childhood, grew up in a small Romanian village where he played many pranks on the people.

Nudist scene:
Nică was supposed to be looking after the baby, but he hears the other children playing... and he sees chicks splashing in the water. Spontaneously he decides to bathe in the river. Unconcerned, he undresses and splashes and plays in the water until his mother discovers him and takes his clothes away. Now, whether he likes it or not, Nică has to walk home naked, which he finds a little embarrassing, so he takes advantage of every cover he gets along the way.

At the 1965 International Film Festival, the film received the special prize for children's and youth films.

Size: 656 MB
Resolution: 1280×720
Duration: 01:07:54

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